You are unique.

Your financial plan should be too.

Financial Planning is the  process that binds together the pieces of a financial life into a comprehensive strategy. Our approach to financial planning, first and foremost, will adhere to the best practices in the profession, following the guidance of the CFP Board in their Practice Standards.

Solving isolated problems, in an integrated way.

Our approach to comprehensive financial planning involves solving isolated financial problems along with the broader financial strategy. The ability to maintain this bifocal view is what sets us apart from other advisors.
Oh, you want to lower your taxes? I have an idea!"
"Yes! Tell me how!"
"It's easy, all you need to do is ask your boss for a pay cut!"

Not all advice is good advice

Take Tax Planning, for example, if we decided that managing taxes was the ultimate goal, we would inevitably make bad choices. Keeping things in the right perspective is critical.

We always need to focus on 'The Big Picture". That's what we do well. We're also know not to forget the little things.

(Disclaimer: don't ask your boss for a pay cut without consulting with a financial professional. If they recommend that you do, consider getting a second opinion).

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